😎Verify payout

After a payout, it's crucial to confirm that the transaction was processed through Moneroo before crediting value to your customer wallet or balance in your application. This precaution ensures the payment received aligns with your expectations.

Here are some key points to verify during the payment confirmation:

  1. Transaction Reference: Confirm that the transaction reference corresponds with the one you generated.

  2. Transaction Status: Check the transaction status for accuracy. The status should be "success" for successful payments. To learn more about transaction statuses, see the transaction status section.

  3. Payment Currency: Verify that the payment's currency matches the expected currency.

  4. Paid Amount: Ensure the paid amount is equal to or greater than the anticipated amount. If the amount is higher, you can provide the customer with the corresponding value and refund the surplus.

To authenticate a payment, use the "verify transaction" endpoint, specifying the transaction ID in the URL. You can obtain the transaction ID from the data.id field in the response after transaction creation, as well as in the webhook payload for any transaction.


GET /v1/payouts/{payoutId}/verify HTTP/1.1
Host: https://api.moneroo.io
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


  • Endpoint: /v1/payouts/{payoutId}/verify

  • Method: GET

Response Structure

The response from this API endpoint will be in the standard Moneroo API response format. You'll get a response that looks like this:

  "message": "Payout transaction fetched successfully",
  "data": {
    // Details of the payout transaction

Successful Response:

Upon successful retrieval, the endpoint returns an HTTP status code of 200 and the details of the payment transaction in the response body.

Error Responses:

  1. 401 Unauthorized: This error is returned if you didn't provide a valid authorization token in your request.

  2. 404 Not Found: This error is returned if the provided payoutId doesn't correspond to any transaction in the system.

  3. 500 Internal Server Error: This error indicates an unexpected issue on the server while processing your request. It happens rarely.

Security considerations

This endpoint requires a bearer token for authentication. The bearer token must be included in the Authorization header of the request. Ensure the token is kept secure and not shared or exposed inappropriately.

Request examples

Replace 'paymentId' with the actual payment transaction ID and 'your_token' with a valid API key in the code snippets above.

curl --location --request GET 'https://api.moneroo.io/v1/payouts/{payoutId}/verify' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN'

You'll get a response that looks like this:

    "message": "Payout transaction fetched successfully!",
    "data": {
        "id": "go86j8csuq51",
        "status": "success",
        "amount": 500,
        "currency": {
            "name": "US Dollar",
            "symbol": "$",
            "symbol_first": true,
            "decimals": 2,
            "decimal_mark": ".",
            "thousands_separator": ",",
            "subunit": "Cent",
            "subunit_to_unit": 100,
            "symbol_native": "$",
            "decimal_digits": 2,
            "rounding": 0,
            "code": "USD",
            "name_plural": "US dollars",
            "icon_url": "https://assets.cdn.moneroo.io/currencies/USD.svg"
        "amount_formatted": "$ 500.00",
        "description": "hello",
        "environment": "sandbox",
        "metadata": [],
        "app": {
            "id": "01HHJYSA4VCBVKN4KTYF76J",
            "name": "Smarte",
            "website_url": "https://www.smarthome.com",
            "icon_url": "https://assets.cdn.moneroo.io/samples/business.svg",
            "created_at": "2023-12-14T01:24:17.000000Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-12-14T01:24:17.000000Z",
            "is_enabled": false
        "customer": {
            "id": "fsbh12wot2c3",
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "email": "john@test.com",
            "phone": null,
            "address": null,
            "city": null,
            "state": null,
            "country_code": null,
            "country": null,
            "zip_code": null,
            "profile_url": "https://eu.ui-avatars.com/api/?name=John+Dow&background=ffcc00&color=fff&size=256&rounded=true&bold=true",
            "created_at": "2023-12-22T01:00:37.000000Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-08T13:09:23.000000Z"
        "disburse": {
            "id": "0nj13p3bheje",
            "identifier": "pd_65miz6qf4u9y",
            "failure_message": null,
            "failure_error_code": null,
            "failure_error_type": null,
            "method": {
                "id": "6zyu010zn6wo",
                "name": "Test Payout Method",
                "short_code": "moneroo_payout_demo",
                "icon_url": "https://assets.cdn.moneroo.io/icons/circle/moneroo.svg"
            "gateway": {
                "id": "8heokxp8yyxj",
                "account_name": "Moneroo Test Payout Gateway",
                "name": "Test Payout Gateway (Sandbox)",
                "short_code": "moneroo_payout_test",
                "icon_url": "https://assets.cdn.moneroo.io/icons/circle/moneroo.svg",
                "transaction_id": "b1f26365-3e02-4360-b646-39c2e91adce1",
                "transaction_status": "test_success",
                "transaction_failure_message": "This is a failed test payout, you do not use valid test phone number."
        "failed_at": null,
        "pending_at": "2023-12-26T22:04:49.000000Z",
        "success_at": "2023-12-26T22:04:50.000000Z"
    "errors": null

The transaction details are contained in the data object. For instance:

  • The status of the transaction is in data.status.

  • The details of the customer are in the data.customer field.

  • The data.amount field says how much the customer was charged.

  • Some fields will vary depending on the type of transaction or state of the transaction.

  • The data.method field contains the payment method used by the customer.

  • The data.gateway field contains the payment gateway used to process the transaction.

  • The data.metadata field contains any custom metadata you may have provided when creating the transaction.

  • The data.context field contains the context of the transaction.

  • The data.app field contains the app details.

Last updated